clustal w造句


  1. They used the Clustal W program to align all of the 16S and 23S data that was collected.
  2. Following Biology Workbench multialign CLUSTAL W analyses, certain regions of TMEM131L protein are highly conserved through Eukaryotes as distantly as single-celled protists ( 24 % identity with " Dictyostelium fasciculatum " ).
  3. Thompson J . D ., Higgins D . G ., Gibson T . J . " CLUSTAL W : improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice . " Nucleic Acids Res . 22 : 4673-4680 ( 1994)
  4. ClustalW : Thompson J . D ., Higgins D . G ., Gibson T . J . " CLUSTAL W : improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice . " Nucleic Acids Res . 22 : 4673-4680 ( 1994)
  5. It's difficult to find clustal w in a sentence. 用clustal w造句挺难的


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  5. "clustal"造句
  6. "clustalw"造句
  7. "cluster"造句
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  9. "cluster 2"造句
  10. "cluster 3"造句

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